April 28, 2009

Hannah Dira Hannah :D

After i watched hannah montana and miley cyrus Best of Both Worlds concert at my home im so obsessed with her, what does i like her from? From her voice and her outfit! Ohya last year i saw hannah montana guitar game in toyshop it so cool i want to bought it but my mom ignored and laughed to me, she said "oh hah? Are you sure? Youre like a little kid! If you played that!" hu, but my dad is didnt agree to my mom, he said "yaa yaa sure not a little kid, youre still like the girl but the price is so expensive,why you didnt buy a new clothes or shoes? At the other boutique?" ahahaha zzzzt. Hmm i like when she played as Hannah on the stage show. i like hannah montana, i love her, im the biggest fan of her So, someone can bring me to the hannah or miley's concert? Ahaha i hope it will be happen to me AMIN. Ohya or wish she will come to this country so i can meet her awawawaw :D

April 20, 2009


Okay hi again i just want to say, at the moment, right now i like oatmeal hmmm i like oatmeal since i was child i know, but now i dont only like to eat it! But i LOVE LOVE LOVE oatmeal so much! Last holiday i tried to made an oatmeal with granola sugar,pieces of fresh strawberry and a low fat milk or if youre not in diet plan you can sprinkle a honey stars or milo cereals for your body energy! And if you want a yummy yummy taste you can add some dark chocolate blocks or chocolate milk to your oatmeal today (hmm sounds like "what? Really? Eeeywwhh" haha you dont know so you must try) Dont forget, if you take a blue quaqer oatmeal or Havermouth you must put your bowl of your oatmeal into microwave for a few minutes or bake your oatmeal first! And if you take a read quaqer oatmeal you can pour a hot water instantly. To get the better taste you should pour a milk,dont pour water! Because it can smell like YUMMY hmm hmm :9 haha. Oh ya do you how many kinds of oatmeal does the world have? Its sooooo many! If you dont like a cup of oatmeal for breakfast, maybe you should try an oatmeal cookies with raisins! You can buy it now at starbucks coffee or your lovely Mart! So try it try it try it know to loving oatmeal ! Its healthy i swear thats so sweet splurgers,try it now :) (love. dira)

April 18, 2009

Me and my alex imagination

Hmmm haha kayanya setiap saturday night yg bikin gue bingung deh haha ada aja apalah gt yg aneh masa tadi kecitos tapi bosen muter2 doang tapi asik juga beli ice cream soalnya udh lama ga makan baskin robins dr taun berapa beneran loh heheheh. Yayaya bosen deh gatau mau ngapain td kn dicitos terus ada ya gt deh jadinya kan gue smsan sm temen gue orgny seru kok kalo udh ngobrol ahaha tp gua pernah bikin kesalahan kecil bgt sih,tp jadi ga enak kebayang2 sm org itu maaf yaaaaa :) oh iya kan td gue lg kesel yaudah gue cerita2 sm dia di sms bagus deh udah jadi mendingan udah lega beneran hehe terus gue pulang dr citos ga bawa apa apa deh huh terus sampe rumah ol fb cerita lg sm anak alizhar gt haha iya ga liv? udahlah sebel kalo inget tadi ya mending ngayal haha gimana kalo ngayal jadi princess kaya disney? Kan seru tinggal di fairy tale2 castle gt tapi kata alia "dir dir sumpah deh lo mah kalo ngayal tentang disney ada aja imajinasinya ketinggian tau gak dir?" hahaha ya bodo kan imajinasi sm ky laras my sister disekolah kita kan suka ngayal disney soalnya ky kata2 kita tuh gini"kita kan sehati! Ayo flip flop dir/ras! Kok sama terus pemikiran kita yaaa ahaha" gitu. Wkt itu aja disekolah kita ngayal sampe dibikin novel gt tentang ada cewe anak kecil yaa mirip2 Alice In Wonderland lah dia tersesat di negeri kaca gt aduh seru deh itu juga cara nulisnya ganti2an loh hbs gue nulis,ntar dilanjutin laras gt ntar jadi nyambung deh ceritanya tp mampet di gue blm gue lanjut2in maaf ya ras,sibuk bnyk pikiran. oh iya terus kita bikin nama princess,namanya PRINCESS ARANIA terus gue punya ide seandainya novel gue sm laras jd terbit desain bukunya ada kacanya bisa dibuka2 ky pop up book gt hahahaha,gue sm laras suka gabungin ide2nya eh nih ya sebenernya novelnya ada alia jg ikutan nulis tapi dia idenya bener2 gak nyambung sm kita jadi berenti deh,dia jg mau yaudah al mending gausah aja lo haha ( peace ) aduh seru deh kalo udah ngayal yg fairy tale2 sm laras disekolah haha terus laras pernah bikin sample cover novel kita ada nama BY L.Alexandra and N.Irsalina wahaha aduh amin ya ras kan lucu kalo beneran,terus yg lebih bodoh lg gue ngayalnya gue sm laras bisa sampe ke broadway show hahahahaha mungkin ga ya tapi? Ya gapapa sih daripada ngayal yg aneh2 mending ky gitu kan? Hehe tapi bagian paling seru pas nulis sama laras tuh yg pas ada part pas princess Arania nya ngucapin mantra buat balik ke fairyland eh tapi malah balik ke scarryland mantranya tuh unik mantra yg dibuat laras jg yg masa ga nyambung pake bawa2 sejarah ad nama "azoikum" haha aneh lo ras! Tapi kita kan emg sehati ya kalo ky gini kan termasuk bisnis hehe (apa sih) makanya doain ya semua novelnya ada beneran di dunia ini ahaha Amin Amin

i hate the word "Missing"

have you ever seen the stranger girl whose make you so strange too? ahaha okay thats like my very very "funny" experience i know everyone dont like that moments ooooh so worst thing right? but what do you feel if you miss someone? that position is if you are missing someone and both of you and your bestie are together in the past and then someday you meet she or he again then she or he said " who are you?" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you dont know what you should said right? maybe you can only said " im blblabla im your blablabla remember? hahahah so riddiculous. hmmmm i think thats enough to talking about that. because thats make stressing me out! oh ya another situation is what do you do if you really loving and missing someone but you have never tell how your feeling? i know you are scared to do that or maybe you say " oh noooo never haha i think he must first say that" like that? hahaha okay me too :) im so confused to tell him what should i do for him and what do i say ( soalnya kalo gue udah ngobrol sama dia aja apalagi dulu pernah ngeliat dia aja udah seneng banget kok hahahahaha i miss you udah lama ya ga ketemu waktu itu juga bingung gimana cara ketemu nya lagi)maybe the only thing can say your feeling is from your heart but dont look emotional follow your heart talk and maybe first you can do or say like this to him " hey2", "halo", "where are you?","are you still there?" and the last is "how are you?" ahahahah you must know that words is means anything and can make effect for you and your crush sure i do that and the last but not least MAKING WISH TO YOUR GOD AND SAY WHAT YOUR HEART FEEL TO HIM WISH YOU AND HIM ARE GETTING A RELATIONSHIP OR MAYBE HE HAS THE SAME FEELING WITH YOU AMIN AMIN AMIN.( the important things is wish never and dont come another stranger,naughty, or looser girls whose make my boy crush so close with another girl because i hate that thing and i hate the word, people say that is MISSING i hate i hate i hate because i like Metting and i hopeful THOSE BAD THINGS never come to my lovelife :)soooooooooooooooo you go girls (smooch, dira)

April 14, 2009

Im Feeling this today

Grew up in the small town and when the rain would fall down, i just stare out my window
dreaming of what could be, and if in up happy i would pray...
Trying have to reach out,but when i try to speak out felt like no one could hear me
wanted to belong here but something felt so wrong here,so i pray... I could breakaway
I'll spread my wings and i learn how to fly, i'll do what it takes till i touch the sky and i make a wish, take a chance, make a change and breakaway
Out of the darkness and into the sun,but i wont forget all the ones that I LOVE i gotta take risks, take a chance, make a change and breakaway
Wanna feel the warm breeze, sleeping on a palm tree, feel the rush of the ocean
get on board a fast train,travel in a jet plane far away... I could breakaway
Buildings with the hundred floors,swinging out revolving doors i dont know where they takes me but gonna keep moving on, moving on fly away breakaway
I'll spread my wings and i learn how to fly, oh its not easy to tell you goodbye and i make a wish,take a chance,make a change and breakaway
Out of the darkness and into the sun but i wont forget, the place i come from i gotta take risks take a chance, make change and breakaway.. Breakaway.. Breakaway

April 11, 2009

its saturday night and im not going anywhere,no one help me except my best friend. tadi bella udah nemenin nonton dvd dirumah (thakyou bel you are my verry bestie) sama karina tadi sempet ngobrol di facebook ngomongin the clique mulai dari gaya fashion style nya pemainya sampe orang orang nya haha terus yg paling gak jelas td gue nge tag in foto foto nya cast the clique ke fb nya adin,rochelle,bella,nindy, sama karina juga aduh tapi sempet ga yakin adin suka apa gak ya maaf ya jin tomang jangan marah jin, soalnya bosen beneran dirumah gatau mau ngapain lagi tadi masa tadi sempet ngebayangin coba ada delivery starbucks coffee sama sour sally ya kan enak minum minum dirumah pesen rasa yg green tea sama topping peach, oreo hmmm yummy ;9 enak. hu payah ga ada sih kayanya delivery . terus akhirnya terpaksa minta bikinin coffee mix sama mba (abal banget ya kopinya yg buat papa dirumah ya enak sih tapi bukan starbucks nya anak anak haha) terus udah gitu kan biasanya ada orang orang yg sms gue kalo gue lg bosen jadi gue bisa ngobrol walaupun di sms gapapa udah seru juga kok hehe tapi tadi handphone aja bener bener sepi ga ada message dari satupun orang temen temen baik itu pasti mereka pada pergi deh mama lagi ke bandung sih pulang malem jadi ga ada supir buat anter jalan jalan siapapun pak encuk, pak likhun, mas taufik ga adaaaaaaaaaaaaaa huh payah :( udah gitu sahabat gue itu ga jadi nginep dirumah gue kan kalo nginep biasanya kita pesen gourmet wrap nya mc donalds malem malem sama milo yummy terus gila gilaan ngetawain orang haha deh tapi ga bisa yaaaaaa bel udah deh sambil nganterin bella pulang malem gue bosen terus tidur doang dikamar ,tiba2 kebayang bayang film the grudge 3 serem jd ga bisa tidur takut tiba2 hahaha,akhirnya tidur jam 3 pagi deh

Leesh day

1. Real life name: samantha boscarino. she played as alicia rivera in the clique film, their friends got nickname on her its Leesh
2.what i like about her: her fashion style and her voice
3.what she did to claire lyons (looser double looser) : she gave her a cell phone and bought a dresses from the fashion shop for claire because she told her,she had change her phone into I-phone.
4.Most watched Leesh scenes to claire: in art class lesson, alicia rivera painted a red paint to the bottom of claire lyons white skinny jeans and everyone in the school laugh to claire haha oh how embarassing!
In the pool party for the glambition bussines she said to her :
Leesh :" claire,are you a bird?"
Claire : "no, why?"
Leesh: "why your swimsuit is so cheap?"
Lees,dylan,kristen :" cheap! Cheap! Cheap!"
5.what fashion brand she's like : Ralph lauren and her mom is supermodel
6.What poster in leesh's bedroom? The answer is hillary duff and chad michael murray as sam and austin ames in Cinderella story movie
*Check out! she sing a song for the clique soundtrack : Find My Place

Movie medicine

Friday night so boreeed nothing to do, bosen gatau mau ngapain nah terus malem malem pas lagi sms san sama yaaaa ada seseorang gitu ;-) tiba2 ada telfon masuk ternyata mybest friend calling dia ngajak ke rental dvd buat minjem film gitu yaaa langsung aja gue mau banget dong hihihi nah besoknya udah pagi dia dateng kerumah gue udah nyiapin kartu dvd nya,ga nyangka kirain member cardnya udh ilang soalnya terakhir kita minjem dvd taun 2006 haha, terus kita jalan dari rumah gue ke tempat rental dvd nya aduh panas sumpah matahari silau hahaha tapi bodo ah demi mau ntn film yg belum pernah ditonton di XXI haha hmmmmmmmmmmm akhirnya ga kerasa 10 menit udah sampe deh kita terus lsg nyari mau minjem film apa disana tuh kita nyari film aja lama banget haha yaudah saking bingunya gue gajelas bilang ke sahabat gue "mendingan minjem film korea kaya meteor garden atau ngga filmnya dewi persik tuh sekalian tapi gila ya bel masa mukanya f4 dipajang dimana mana kan padahal ga ada yg menarik hahahah" yaa gitulah habis udah madesu akhirnya kita sehati setuju nemuin 3 film yg filmnya dari pertama minjem aja udh temanya branded otomatis udh film obsesi beli barang hahaha kita minjem film the clique, the devils wears prada, sama 27 dresses terus lsg nunjukin kartu member deh balik lg kerumah gue buat ntn tapi nyoba jalan kaki jauh juga,terus beli nasi uduk padahal dirumah udh dimasakin hehe dan bagusnya home theatre dirumah udah ga rusak lagi jg udh jelas gambarnya hihi asik deh terus kita ntn 2 film sekaligus pertama ntn the devils wears prada terus kedua ntn the clique itu sumpah filmnya coooooooooooooooolll beneran, gue ama sahabat gue lsg yg "woow" haha apalagi pas ntn the clique pertama ga niat lsg niat gt soalnya ceritanya unik apalagi si ALICIA RIVERA (leesh). yaudah gini aja ceritanya skrg, byeee oh iya habis ntn smpe jam 9 malem bella pulang deh itu juga blm ntn tinggal 1 film lagi bsk dia main lg karena bsk masih BORING DAY hyeeewwwwhhh